
#BrownBridgetMD (Short)





Sooo in 2018 we competed in the Louisiana Film Prize, which offers the largest cash prize in the nation for a short film! We made our first short film, #BrownBridgetMD, and it was selected as a top 20 finalist! Here are some movie promos and trailers we used to spread the word. #BrownBridgetMD is currently being featured in other film festivals as well, and you can keep up with Bridget under our news & announcement section! I’m really proud of the film we made and loved (mostly?) being co-director with #theHubbitses, Jacob McSharma, who also edited the film. It is inspired by a very real story from my own experience.

#BrownBridgetMD making it into the top 20 was also the first time that a lead Indian-American actress, writer, or director has ever made it into the Louisiana Film Prize, which is currently in its 8thyear. Tres bon!


Trailer: #BrownBridgetMD

Movie promo 1: Are You Still A Doctor?

One of three commercials we used to promote #brownbridgetmd, featuring my parents (such good sports!)

Movie promo 2: Whose Idea Was This?

Movie promo 3: Still Indian