The Monkees Saga Recap

If you’ve been following on the social media channels, then you know all about the Monkees fun facts fridays I’ve been doing. Here is a recap of each post, in case you missed it!
Fun Facts Fridayyy Part 1
- The MONKEES are all my all-time favorite band. Full stop. No one will ever love me better.
- I remember when my mom came home from the mall and had bought me “Headquarters.” I hadn’t even gotten a recent report card or anything. Cue material things bringing me joy for a lifetime, Alex
- I became obsessed with the MONKEES when I was 6 years old. My friends Pranathi, Priya, and Prabha used to pretend we were their wives while they were gone on tour and sent us love letters via invisible hot air balloons. I was always assigned to Micky because, “He’s the weird one, just like you!”
- I had tickets to see them in London in 2001 while I was studying there for college. I was so excited to FINALLY see my childhood heroes on stage. But then 9/11 happened, and it got canceled.
- Fast forward to 2016, when I spent my savings on front row tickets to see them at the Beacon Theatre in NYC. I couldn’t believe I was there. My sister @versharma and I did tequila shots TO CALM ME DOWN. I was mortified that I had to pee because I didn’t want to miss a minute. Finally they played a song I didn’t really know, so I took the opportunity to scurry to the bathroom. Before I could get down the aisle, I heard the music stop, and DAVY FREAKING JONES SAY, “Oy! Where you going?” I turned around. OMFG he was talking to me. I pointed to my bladder. He jumped off The stage. I said, “Pee!” He said, “I’m singing here!” Time stopped. He took me by the hand and slow danced with me in the aisle. He sang the rest of the song while everyone lost their shit. My God. Did that really happen to me? If it weren’t for the picture, I wouldn’t believe it! After the show, WE GOT TO MEET THEM. Peter Tork said to me — “You made the show!”
Fun Facts Friday Part 2
Oh you thought I was done with my Monkee Madness? PART 2 LET’S GET CRACKALACKIN

- Not terribly long after my Dreamy Davy moment, he passed away. It was on LEAP DAY. I was sitting in a computer training with my fellow docs in Monroe. My work bestie Cindy Dollar texted me from five feet away and said, “Oh my god. Davy died. I’m so sorry.”
- Soon after that, the three remaining Monkees went on tour in tribute. Before I saw Davy, Peter, & Micky; this time it was Peter, Micky, & the elusive Mike Nesmith. I never saw the four of them onstage together.
- I sold any remaining limbs to get front row again. BEACON THEATRE IS MAGIC. I heard that during Daydream Believer, Micky was pulling someone out of the audience to sing it ON STAGE WITH THEM because, “It’s not our song, it’s your song, for Davy.”
- When I tell you I KNEW, I KNEW. My heart sped up just thinking about it. My sister and I had been such absolute spazzballs the last time that they kept looking at us during the concert. Possibly to see if we needed medical attention.
- About halfway during the concert, a man with a headset on came up to me and said, “Micky wants you to sing Daydream believer. Do you want to do it?”
- (This story will not be contained in 5 pieces.) They took me backstage. I tried not to shit myself. I looked at my idols from mere feet away. Micky said some kind of intro. Idk. No idea. They motioned for me to come out. He smelled like mouthwash. I looked at my childhood dream husband with awe and glee. He said, “Do you know the words?” MICKY I KNOW NOTHING RIGHT NOW ARE WE MARRIED??????????
- Well, I kind of can, but it wasn’t gonna happen in that moment. Midway through the song he broke off and told me to go to the other side of the stage and get that half of the crowd going.
- I DID NOT OBEY MY HUSBAND. Instead I RAN AROUND to the other side of the stage and HUGGED PETER TORK. The crowd went wild. I RAN TO THE OTHER SIDE AND HUGGED MIKE NESMITH. I was floating on air. I couldn’t feel my feet. The crowd lost it. I was living everyone’s dream for them in front their eyes. I hugged them all. For me, for Davy, for the fans.
- I came back and finished the song with Micky. I don’t remember what else happened. I went back to my seat and had a heart attack. You can actually Google Jaya Monkees and find the video. MONKEE MADNESS!
Fun Facts Friday Part 3

- AFTER being serenaded by Davy Jones jumping off stage AND singing ON stage with Micky Dolenz, I was basically a Monkee-loving ghost floating on air because I was dead. Completely dead. Gone. RIP Jaya. Gone too soon.
- AND YET, SOMEHOW!!! It didn’t end there. Here are the highlights from that point on!
- After the show where I was onstage, I was assaulted with love by an onslaught of The Monkees fans who were SO, SO NICE, INCLUDING @craigbierko who I instantly recognized as “The Jazz Man” from Sex and the City! #carrielikesajazzman LOOK AT THE PIC!
- I was DRAGGED SO HARD by Monkee groups online for not singing “Daydream Believer well.” “Micky could have picked anyone,” one lady wrote, “but he picked a busty young thing who couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket.” LOL. Oh how that still brings me joy to this day. I’m busty and young!
- My now friends Jodi Lyn Ritzen & Phyllis Susan organized the Davy Jones memorial Monkee Convention. It was in New Jersey. GIRL YOU KNOW I WENT AND THAT IT WAS AMAZING
- I got to meet Davy’s daughters. They were and are precious. I’m still Facebook friends with Annabel & Jessica!
- I got to meet Peter & Micky again, AND THEY BOTH REMEMBERED US. NO LIE. Like ok maybe not my name, but “Hey! the girl from the Beacon theatre!” ENOUGH FOR ME. MY IDOLS HAD AN AWARENESS OF MY EXISTENCE IN THE UNIVERSE. I’M WALKING ON SUNSHINE OOAAHHAHOOOO!
- I stared at Peter during his interviews. Don’t ask me why. He was either frightened or flattered, but either way after it was over, HE CAME AND FOUND ME AND MY SISTER @versharma AND KISSED US BOTH ON THE CHEEK AND HELD OUR HANDS AND SAID, “You’re beautiful.” To this day, Versha credits that kiss with getting her the sweet job of editor-in-chief of Teen Vogue. It’s true. Ask Anna Wintour. She’s a huge Monkees fan. Ok I lie but it could be true.
- WE GOT TO TAKE A GROUP PICTURE with my mom, best friend, husband, AND THE MONKEES! After my Peter kiss I thought he was supes into me but as soon as he met my mom it was over. Look at him next to her. Just beaming. Then again have you met my mom? It’s ok Peter, I understand.
- I met famed Monkees historian Eric Lefkowitz! And legendary photographer Henry Diltz! I took a picture with the Monkees car!
- Superfan and superguy Fred Velez asked me to write my experiences for his book, “A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You.” I’m published!
- We met Mike Nesmith’s son Christian and his amour, Circe Link, who are amazing musicians in their own right. Jacob and I went on a Monkees cruise with them. We had dinner at their house in LA. We’re friends! They’re amazing people. On the Monkees cruise, Jacob and Julia and I were the only Jager-laden ones who didn’t make it back to port on time. Christian actually took a video to see who the stragglers were messing up the schedule and on camera says, “Oh my god, it’s Jacob and Jaya!” ELL OH ELL OH ELL OH ELL
- In conclusion, I can’t believe the ride. I can’t believe my luck. I’m so happy I met Peter & Davy before they died. More than anything, I’ll always carry the joy of getting to hug and kiss my first ever loves and express to them through dancing and seizures and stalking how much I truly love them. I hope they received it. I know I gave it my all! They’re still my favorite band of all time. Always will be. I LOVE YOU MONKEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!